引 言 系统设计人员认为,在高通量下,应采用加固的电缆,该电缆的编织屏蔽层和线介质之间的间隙(大到几个密耳)可用低原子序数介质充填。然而,实验表明,充填是不完善的,还留有相当于几微米的小间隙。这些剩余间隙,能够大大增强电缆的X射线响应。本文研究了这种有缺陷的充填电缆的高通量(1—20卡/厘米~2)共模X射线响应,同时说明引起介质电导率效应的原因。
Introduction System designers believe that at high throughput, hardened cables should be used and gaps (up to a few mil) between the braided shield and the media of the cable may be filled with low atomic number media. However, experiments show that filling is imperfect and that there is a small gap equivalent to a few microns. These remaining gaps can greatly enhance the X-ray response of the cable. This paper investigates the high-throughput (1-20 cal / cm ~ 2) common-mode X-ray response of this defective filled cable and explains the reasons for the dielectric conductivity effects.