描写意大利著名旅行家马可·波罗生平的电视片还在拍摄期间,就有许多国家争相签署订购合同。今年五月这部电视片首次在美国公演后,将有包括中国在内的七十个国家陆续在本国播放。再生于荧屏的马可·波罗将因此得以重游世界。一部电视片能引起如此广泛的兴趣,这在世界电视史上是罕见的。 这部长达十小时的电视连续剧,是由美国、意大利联合制作的。参加演出的有中国、日本、英国的优秀演员。影片从计划到完成用了五年时间,耗资达两千万美元,参加演出的有五千多人,先后在世界三大洲的三十四个地区拍摄,被称为世界电视史上最宏伟的巨片。这
During the filming of the television series depicting the life of Marco Polo, a famous Italian traveler, many countries are competing to sign subscription contracts. After the first film show in the United States in May this year, seventy countries, including China, will be playing one after another in their own country. Marco Polo, born on the screen, will be able to revisit the world. A TV series can arouse such a wide range of interests, which is rare in the history of world television. This 10-hour television series was co-produced by the United States and Italy. To participate in the performance of China, Japan, the United Kingdom outstanding actor. It took five years from planning to completion, costing more than 20 million U.S. dollars and participating in more than 5,000 performances. It was taken in 34 regions of the world on three continents and was named as the most magnificent giant in world history of television sheet. This