Case Profile Patients Week × ×, male, 34 years old. Patients in the early morning of November 18, 79 in sleep suddenly was in the rear pillow, forehead, throat cut 6, all wounds from two to four centimeters long. At that time made a general wound treatment, and throat incision into the tracheal tube, pull out the tracheal tube after three days since the wound cough bleeding purulent sputum number. One month after being chopped, he developed dyspnea. After throat injury, the wounds were scraped to remove granulation buds and the dyspnea slightly improved. Throat appeared 10 days ago, two days ago, dyspnea increased, but urgently transferred to our hospital. Since the injury with green, ningmycin control infection. Physical examination: development of moderate nutrition, throat, showing degree of respiratory difficulty breathing, no cyanosis. Forehead, occipital and right mandibular angle many superficial scars, horizontal cartilage horizontal line