This article is devoted to studying the position of guilty in law. On the basis of the theory of state and criminal law, we come to the clear conclusion that criminal law does not punish the criminal. Criminal law only focuses on offenses and does not consider the foul of being the only manifestation of potential danger. This conclusion applies to the entire field of criminal law, paving the way for the exclusion of offensive elements in the interpretation of criminal law and criminal law. Criminal law does not allow the introduction of a frivolous element that draws attention to another area of law where it is legitimate to focus on the individual’s inner activities and respect the constitutional proportionality principle. This is the police act, which seeks to prevent, from the root causes, the danger that dangerous actors may create. If the permissible potential risk of an individual is allowed to be assessed, the guilty judgment will be very helpful in reasonably performing the hazard prevention mission. The current legal system has allowed the strict distinction between suppression and prevention to disappear, and it is a product of the rule of law through the division of criminal and police laws. On the contrary, there are many scenes reflecting the ever-intensifying role of criminal law in preventing danger. It appears along with the factual constitution of criminal acts, the constituent elements or the criminal law discretion, paying more attention to the evil deep thoughts rather than to the illegal acts Reaction. This article opposes this negative development and attempts to maintain the boundary of excluding criminal elements from criminal intent by analyzing the principle of the country under the rule of law. The decisive factor here is the guarantee of a free and safe balance between the nations ruled by law. The excessive pursuit of security-led imbalances may be the reason for the aggravating factor criticized in this article.