Bronze is China’s most precious acupuncture medicine product, which was founded in the Song Dynasty, the Holy Days four years (AD 1026), Song Renzongzhao Dian in the province is still in medicine Wang Yu Wang Wei, test times acupuncture method. Compiled a copper acupuncture points acupuncture points by the volume of three volumes, the complex set bronze cast two, the internal organs dirty, beside the injection Valley, wells will be, hole security. A medical hospital, a large statue of Temple Temple. Bronze is used in ancient exam acupuncture doctors, the method is yellow wax coated, in fact, mercury, so that the medical test points by hole, the hole is the mercury outflow, less likely to stab in the stool. It is the unity of the acupuncture points and fixed, a great role, which is the great invention of acupuncture in the Song Dynasty. To the Southern Song Dynasty, a flow into Xiangyang, Hubei I do not know. One for Jinbing bandits in Jingjing to gold