胡厥文是爱国主义的实业家。他生于灾难深重的旧中国,深感国家兴亡匹夫有责。他渴望中国富强,能自立于世界民族之林。他为此奋斗了一生。 1931年九·一八事变后,民族矛盾日益尖锐。胡厥文感到,国难当头,焉能安业?于是,他团结同业,积极投入救亡工作。淞沪抗战中,他动员、组织起几十家企业拆迁机器到沪南建立临时工场,赶制手榴弹、地雷、水雷,支援前线守军。几十天里,他日夜奔忙,无暇理发剃须,竟至鬓髯盈颊,大家尊称他“胡子”。下面这篇文章是胡厥文老先生晚年回忆录的节选,记述了这段史实。
Hu Juewen is a patriotic businessman. He was born in a deeply disastrous old China and felt deeply responsible for the rise and fall of the country. He longs for China to be prosperous and strong, able to stand on its own feet in the world’s nations. He struggled for this life. After the September 18 Incident of 1931, the ethnic conflicts became increasingly acute. Hu Juewen felt that when the national crisis was over, how could he be respected? Therefore, he unite with his peers and actively devote herself to saving the nation. In the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, he mobilized and organized dozens of enterprises to relocate their machines to set up temporary workshops in Shanghai to rush into hand grenades, mines and mines to support front-line defenders. Tens of days, he was busy day and night, no hair barber shaving, unexpectedly Yingzhu Ying cheek, everyone honored him “beard.” The article below is an excerpt from the memoirs of his late husband Hu Juewen, chronicling this historical fact.