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作为莎士比亚经典戏剧作品,《麦克白》以鲜明的笔触刻画出主人公麦克白由辉煌走向衰败的历程,以此将11世纪苏格兰王室勾心斗角的王位之争和人性的阴暗面完整而真实地展现在读者面前。然而,书中最为耀眼的仍然是麦克白与另一主角麦克德夫的人物塑造。通过一正一反、一明一暗的对比,皇室贵族麦克德夫英勇无畏和正直善良的品质填补了麦克白残缺的人格碎片,侧面烘托了麦克白夺取王位后心惊胆战直至覆灭的心理历程。本文通过对麦克白与麦克德夫性格的对比分析,阐述莎士比亚在戏剧创作中对正反人物的完美塑造。 As a classic drama of Shakespeare, Macbeth depicts the course of the protagonist Macbeth from decadentness to decay in a striking brushwork, so as to present the integrity and truth of the throne of intrigue and the dark side of human nature of the Scottish royals in the 11th century to the readers . However, the most dazzling feature of the book is the characterization of Macbeth and MacDerv, the other protagonist. Through the comparison of right and wrong, a clear and a dark contrast, the dignified and honest character of the royal aristocracy, McDervy, fills Macbeth’s incomplete personality fragments, and sidelines the psychological course that Macbeth seized after he seized the throne. By contrasting and analyzing the character of Macbeth and McDervy, this article expounds Shakespeare ’s perfect creation of positive and negative characters in dramatic creation.
摘要 《脸》是艾丽丝·门罗2009年短篇小说集《太多欢愉》中的一篇,讲述了男主人公因为脸上的胎记同女主人公,以及自己父母之间产生的纠葛。本文试图通过分析“胎记”在这篇小说中对不同的人物所代表的不同寓意,来探析门罗作品的内心世界。  关键词:艾丽丝·门罗 《脸》 胎记  艾丽丝·门罗是加拿大最负盛名的女作家之一,素有加拿大短篇小说之王的美誉。2013年门罗获得诺贝尔文学奖,成为加拿大第13位获此殊荣