某高速公路连拱隧道将已施工的整体式中隔墙凿薄改为分层施工中隔墙,采用有限元方法对两侧凿薄25 cm、30 cm和35 cm三种工况进行了数值模拟,分析不同工况下的主应力、位移及地表下沉量。研究认为:凿薄在结构安全上是可行的;为改善二次衬砌受力,可取较大值;凿薄过程中中隔墙顶与正洞初期支护交接处是薄弱环节,应加强监测。
A highway tunnel arch tunnel will have been construction of the overall wall split into thin wall construction division of the wall, the finite element method on both sides of the thinning of 25 cm, 30 cm and 35 cm were three values Simulation, analysis of the main stress under different conditions, displacement and surface subsidence. The research shows that it is feasible to cut thin in the structural safety. In order to improve the stress of the secondary lining, the larger value is preferable. The junction between the top of the middle wall and the initial support of the tunnel is the weak link in the thinning process. Monitoring should be strengthened.