People will not forget that in the face of major disastrous and unexpected crises in recent years, oranges, oranges, oranges, oranges, Yi guards always the first time appeared on the scene, won the universal praise of the people. Practice has proved that the public security fire brigade has become an irreplaceable professional force in the handling of daily disasters. Because of this, in July 2009, the Ministry of Public Security Fire Department to deploy a comprehensive deployment of public security fire iron work, as is the general fire can be extinguished in time, heavy fires can be effectively controlled, special disasters can be effectively disposed of. Chen Weiming, director of the Ministry of Public Security Fire Department, said that building a public security fire-fighting force is a systematic project as well as a gradual process. It needs overall planning, long-term efforts, perseverance and full promotion. At present and for some time to come, the public security and fire brigade will make the task of building an iron armor the central task of enhancing the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and will ring the slogan of building the iron army inside and outside the army. Today’s contest is exactly what the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security conducted to test the examination room for the fire fighting and rescue capabilities of grassroots officers and soldiers and encourage all officers and men to strengthen the working capacity.