消防铁军 力撼山河 全国公安消防部队打造铁军南方地区比武竞赛速写

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“5·12”汶川地震、“4·14”玉树地震、甘肃舟曲泥石流灾害、大连输油管道爆炸火灾……人们不会忘记,在近年历次重大灾害和突发危险面前,橙衣卫士总是第一时间出现在现场,赢得了人民群众的普遍赞誉。实践证明,公安消防部队已成为日常灾害事故处置中一支不可替代的专业力量。正因为如此,2009年7月,公安部消防局全面部署打造公安消防铁军工作,为的就是一般火灾能及时扑灭、重特大火灾能有效控制、特殊灾害能有效处置。公安部消防局陈伟明局长表示,打造公安消防铁军是一项系统工程,也是一个渐进的过程,需要统筹规划,长期努力,坚持不懈,全力推进。当前和今后一段时期,公安消防部队将把打造铁军作为提升部队战斗力的中心任务,在部队内外把打造铁军的口号叫响。今天的比武,正是公安部消防局在此大背景下,检验基层官兵灭火救援本领的考场、鼓励广大官兵强化工作能力的催化剂。 People will not forget that in the face of major disastrous and unexpected crises in recent years, oranges, oranges, oranges, oranges, Yi guards always the first time appeared on the scene, won the universal praise of the people. Practice has proved that the public security fire brigade has become an irreplaceable professional force in the handling of daily disasters. Because of this, in July 2009, the Ministry of Public Security Fire Department to deploy a comprehensive deployment of public security fire iron work, as is the general fire can be extinguished in time, heavy fires can be effectively controlled, special disasters can be effectively disposed of. Chen Weiming, director of the Ministry of Public Security Fire Department, said that building a public security fire-fighting force is a systematic project as well as a gradual process. It needs overall planning, long-term efforts, perseverance and full promotion. At present and for some time to come, the public security and fire brigade will make the task of building an iron armor the central task of enhancing the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and will ring the slogan of building the iron army inside and outside the army. Today’s contest is exactly what the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security conducted to test the examination room for the fire fighting and rescue capabilities of grassroots officers and soldiers and encourage all officers and men to strengthen the working capacity.
常听有些教师说怕教说明文。其实如果能让学生发现课文内容及与其有关的新与奇 ,那么说明文的教学也有其说不完的内容 ,道不尽的趣味。我在说明文教学中尝试从下面几个方面让
一、背景材料Ⅰ .北京时间 2 0 0 2年 1 2月 3 0日 ,我国研制的“神舟四号”飞船发射成功。在完成一系列任务后于2 0 0 3年 1月 5日在内蒙古中部草原成功着陆并回收。Ⅱ .2 0
近日,省委书记赵洪祝对浙江省档案局编印的《档案信息参阅——浙江省对公共卫生事件的处置》作出重要批示,充分肯定档案部门围绕省委、省政府中心工 Recently, Zhao Hongzhu