Zsófia Derts and László Koncsos
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest H-1111, Hungary
Received: July 13, 2011 / Accepted: August 8, 2011 / Published: January 20, 2012.
Abstract: The actual situation of the Tisza Valley traditionally used for land farming is basically determined by the consequences of the river regulation of the nineteenth century which aimed at the extension of the intensive agriculture, by the extreme water regime of alternating periods of flood showing a deteriorating trend and drought related to the climatic change; and by several environmental problems induced mainly by the land use. The objective of the article is to prove the regional advantages of a proposed technical solution to mitigate the flood risk with a special regard to the land cover. Hydrodynamic modeling results prove that the best technical solution is given by a combination of different strategies containing the inundation of deep floodplains-areas regularly covered by water before the river regulation works and, globally, by an important mitigation of flood damages, the costs of solution would be surely covered in the longterm. By means of its natural-resembling operation, the regular water cover would allow a multiple use of water, contributing to the solution of the simultaneously existing aridity problem, and, the development of the floodplain landscape management would help improve the ecological and the economical upgrading of the region.
Key words: Aridity, deep floodplain, flood control, land use, landscape management.
1. Introduction??
The Tisza Valley in Hungary has suffered of grave flood damages and, looking back to the extreme flood events of the past decade, the risk shows a deteriorating trend. What is more, the situation of these areas, characterized by flood damages is aggravated by aridity and environmental quality problems related to the land use.
The main objective of this article is to propose an effective technical solution for flood mitigation, to analyze the limits of its execution with the current land use and to give a suggestion for the complex issues of the Tisza Valley.
1.1 Geographical Situation of the Tisza Valley
The 157,000 km2 large Tisza River basin takes part of the Danube River basin [1] and can be found in the geographical centre of Europe [2]. The Tisza River can be divided into three sections (upper, middle and downstream section) [1] from which in Hungary mostly the middle and downstream sections can be found, both characterized by a meandering platform[2]. According to its hydrological situation, the precipitation in the Hungarian Tisza Valley is less than 500 mm per year. The mean annual discharge at the mouth of the Tisza River is 792 m3/s [2]. The Tisza Valley has an extreme water regime: smaller flood events occur in every 1-2 years and larger ones in every 5-6 years [3] regularly alternating with drought within short periods. 1.2 Human Impacts
In Table 1, the actual problems of the Tisza Valley mostly related to human activities are summarized. 1.3 Possible Technical Solutions
The following interventions are possible to solve the flood risk problems:
The correction of the flood levees among the Tisza by repairing the problems of designing and of technical condition;
Amelioration of the hydraulic conductivity of the floodplain;
Emergency flood reservoirs filled up in every 30-40 years as an average in case of extreme flood waves [12];
Regular Inundation of low elevation areas called deep floodplains which used to be covered by water for 2-4 months per year before the nineteenth century regulation works [13, 14], to increase the efficiency of the shrinkage of floods.
Table 1 Problems of the Tisza Valley related with causes and issues.
2. Methodology
According to our previous research work [15], water storage in deep floodplains (anciently regularly covered by water) during flood waves would be a technically efficient way to mitigate flood risk. Our objective is to analyze the feasibility of this idea in the aspect of the land cover. 2.1 Available Information
For our research work the following georeferenced digitalized maps, GIS data and descriptive literary information were available:
The former (nineteenth century) [7, 8] and present (CLC 50) land cover of Hungary [9], Google maps, 50*50 m cells morphologic model for the Tisza Valley;
GIS data for drought and flood risk (provided by VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute of Hungary);
The Hungarian map of the areas anciently regularly covered by water (flooded areas and wetlands);
Historical landscape and ethnographical descriptions of the Tisza Valley [16], descriptions and modeling results concerning the flood risk and its influencing factors in the Tisza Valley [3-6, 14] etc.. 2.2 Hydrodynamic Modeling and Inundation Frequency Calculations
In a previous phase of our research [15], the potential technical solutions and their combinations were compared by computer models connected with each other:
2D hydrodynamic model based on the equations of shallow waves [17] resulting connected water level, reservoir volume and water surface data;
1D hydrodynamic model based on the Saint-Venant equations [12] calculating the flood level decreasing effect of the deep floodplain reservoirs in case of different operational settings;
A flood risk model determining the normal distribution intervals of different types of material damages in actual and designed conditions in different scenarios by Monte Carlo simulations [11].
The results of the mentioned modeling analysis processes constituted (among others) the input data for the empirical relationship analysis of the associated water volumes and yearly occurring frequencies for each potential deep floodplain reservoir.
The result of these calculations will be applied during the optimization of the water level of the entering point and water volume of the deep floodplain reservoirs.
2.3 GIS Analysis
After the hydrodynamic model analysis, the contour of the inundatable areas are visualizable and can be cut by software tools in georeferenced maps of the former and present land cover, the Google maps or the map of flood and drought risk. This allows the comparative analysis of the ancient and current land covers and the potential risks for each chosen deep floodplain.
3. Model Analysis and Calculation Results
As a result of the 2D hydrodynamic simulations, a sum of 2.5 milliard m3 of regularly inundatable deep floodplain capacity has been found for the Hungarian Tisza section without affecting seriously the surrounding settlements (see Fig. 3).
The water level decreasing efficiency of the deep floodplain reservoirs was compared in case of several settings for historical flood records of the last fifteen years, and it has revealed that however each flood wave is different; the average flood level mitigating effect would have always exceeded 1.0 m on the Hungarian section of the Tisza River. The optimization of the studied system has resulted that 20-30 meters large sluices and continuous and bidirectional operation would be ideal in a way that the sluices would be closed when the water level exceeds the maximum allowable level at the entering point (to prevent flood damages in the settlements and establishments).
From the flood damage cost statistics given by Monte Carlo simulations of 5,000 generated flood waves it can be concluded that with the supplement of the dykes 0.5 m above the design flood level, by maintaining the hydraulic conductivity of the floodplain and by defense activities during flood events (an important element of the Hungarian flood protection system), the material damages could be decreased even to their 0.5-1.0% compared to the estimated damages taking into account the sedimentation of the floodplain and the climatic change. (In case of a decision concerning the improvement of the flood protection system of the Tisza Valley, besides the estimated benefits–the decrease of the material damages, the costs of investment and maintenance have to be taken into account.)
In Fig. 1, the yearly occurring frequency(determined from hydrological data from the past 25 years) of the water cover can be viewed associated to the possible water volumes of the given deep floodplain area. These results are calculated for all of the chosen deep floodplains and will constitute the input data for the further optimization processes.
4. Landscape and Climatic Risk Analysis Results
4.1 Land Cover Analysis Results
The analysis of the former land cover has given the result that the areas chosen for being inundated were anciently regularly covered by water and, as a result of the nineteenth century regulation works they have been disconnected from the Tisza and its flood waves.
The current land use-except for one chosen deep floodplain which is a Ramsar wetland area-is dominated by arable lands of large and small fields, giving a mean proportion for intensive agriculture of 73% to the total of the areas. This result is proved by the visual analysis of the latest Google map pictures. The aggregated results of the land cover analysis can be studied in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1 Reservoir water volume in function of the yearly occurring frequency of the water cover.
Fig. 2 Land cover proportions in the selected deep floodplains of the Tisza Valley.
4.2 Risk of Flood and Drought
A significant part of the Tisza Valley is concerned by the environmental risks related to the extreme water balance of the region. Among the chosen areas, 92% of their sum is characterized by flood risk which is not surprising in view of the ancient, wetland dominated land cover. The drought, a more and more serious environmental risk factor of the climatic change, affects approximately the southern 2/3 part of the Hungarian Tisza Valley, or 69% of the sum of the chosen deep floodplain areas (See Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Risk of flood and of drought in the Tisza Valley.
5. Conclusion and Suggestions
Concerning the mitigation of the increasing flood risk the inundation of deep floodplains during flood waves through 20-30 meters wide sluices would be effective, but should be completed by the supplement of the dykes 0.5 m above the design flood level; and the flood level could be more efficiently mitigated by the maintenance of the hydraulic conductivity of the floodplain and by defense activities during flood events (see detailed results in Ref. [14]).
Several climatic environmental risks concern the Tisza Valley such as higher and more intense flood waves in modified frequencies and occurring periods, and, in the same time, drought in the inner areas now disconnected from the ancient water exchange processes. In the same time, the actual land use of the Valley shows a significant majority (73%) of intensive agriculture which is not only contradictory but also disadvantageous due to the diffuse nutrient inputs in the soil and in the groundwater and because of the excessive water use for irrigation. However this type of land use of the concerned population is unsustainable and contradicts with the own long term interest of the inhabitants (water supply of sufficient quantity and quality, healthy soil), because of the actual agricultural financial support system, the intensive agriculture will be very hard to be turned into a sustainable land farming adaptive to the local circumstances.
By reconnecting the more and more arid areas to the water exchange processes (similarly to the land farming of the ancient Tisza Valley), the inundation of deep floodplains would insure a regular water covering and would lead to a sustainable solution for the problems of ecological and human water supply. To contribute to a landscape management adaptive to the regular water covering and to moderate the conflict caused by the support of an unsustainable land use, the agricultural allocation system should be obviously reviewed and modified. This way, the spreading of nature-friendly agro-technologies could also be supported.
For the sake of the complex objectives of the Tisza Valley, other measures are also required to be executed. To mitigate the material flood damages, the location of the buildings plays also an important role. Hence, the revision of the permission system for constructions is also recommendable to prevent avoidable material damages in the areas potentially affected by flood. On the other hand, social tasks should be performed to draw the attention of the concerned population to the importance of the sustainable water balance and to the technical possibilities of land farming.
Concerning the research process, by means of these latest results, the next phase to achieve will be the optimization of the reservoir entering point levels taking into account the hydrological probability calculations; the analysis of the vegetation changing as an effect of the water balance; and, to find ecologically sustainable agricultural vegetation types to insure the subsistence of the inhabitants for the long term, in case of different scenarios of the climate change.
This work has been undertaken as a part of the WateRisk and SCENES projects at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), and also supported by the “Development of quality-oriented and harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME” project. This project is supported by the New Hungary Development Plan(Project ID: TáMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002). The results discussed above are supported as well by the grant TáMOP-4.2.2.B-10/1--2010-0009.
[1] I. Vágás, The floods of the Tisza River, Documentation and Retraining Centre of Water Management, Budapest, Hungary, 1982. (In Hungarian)
[2] K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger, C.T. Robinson, Tisza River, in: Rivers of Europe, Elsevier Ltd., 2009, pp. 59-112.
[3] L. Somlyódy, Strategic basics of the Hungarian water resources management, in: Strategic Issues of the Hungarian Water Resources Management, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2002, pp. 23-45. (in Hungarian)
[4] B. Nováky, Climatic change, water and sustainable water management, Report, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, 2008.(in Hungarian)
[5] Halcrow Water, Hungarian flood control development and recondition project: Feasibility study, Report, Budapest, 1999. (in Hungarian)
[6] L. Koncsos, Zs. Kozma, Modeling of floodplain sedimentation on the Hungarian Tisza, in: Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics, 32nd Congress of IAHR, Venice, Italy, Theme A2.b, 2007.
[7] Arcanum Data Base Ltd., The second military survey: The entire area of the Kingdom of Hungary and Temes on high resolution coloured map segments, 1806-1869,[DVD], Budapest, 2006.
[8] Arcanum Data Base Ltd., The third military survey: The entire area of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy on high resolution coloured map segments, 1806-1869, [DVD], Budapest, 2007.
[9] European Environment Agency (EEA), CORINE Land Cover data base, 2006. GIS layer, available online at: http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/figures/corine-l and-cover-2006-by-country.
[10] UNEP, Rapid Environmental Assessment of the Tisza River Basin [Online], UNEP/ROE and UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe, in collaboration with UNEP/Vienna-ISCC, Prepared by K. Burnod-Requia, 2004, http://www.grid.unep.ch/product/publication/download/ti sza.pdf.
[11] VáTI Hungarian Public Nonprofit Limited Liability Company for Regional Development and Town Planning, Conceptual study on the regional development of the Tisza Valley, Budapest, 2004. (in Hungarian)
[12] Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Scientific background of the issues concerning the mitigation of floods and the amelioration of the conduction of high water levels-the Development of the Vásárhelyi Plan (First part), Budapest, 2003. (in Hungarian)
[13] BOKARTISZ, The treatment of the floodplain woods,Public Company of Ecological Economics and Landscape Rehabilitation of Bodrogk?z, Karcsa, Hungary, 2005. (in Hungarian)
[14] L. Koncsos, Flood Regulation of the Tisza in the Carpathian Basin, Hungarian Association of Nature Conservation, 2006. (in Hungarian)
[15] L. Koncsos, Zs. Derts, Flood risk reduction and water quality management by deep floodplain inundations, in: Proceedings IWA Specialist Conferences/12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control/12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy, Oct. 4-8, 2010, pp. 1340-1346.
[16] G. Molnár, The floodplain land farming, in: At the Tisza River-Thoughts of Nature and History, 1st ed., Ekvilibrum Press, Zalkod, Hungary, 2003, pp. 86-97.
[17] L. Koncsos, ARES software package for decision support on rainfall-runoff and flood modeling, in: Flood Management Challenges in the XXI Century, Dutch-Hungarian Workshop, Szolnok, Hungary, 2003, pp. 68-77.
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest H-1111, Hungary
Received: July 13, 2011 / Accepted: August 8, 2011 / Published: January 20, 2012.
Abstract: The actual situation of the Tisza Valley traditionally used for land farming is basically determined by the consequences of the river regulation of the nineteenth century which aimed at the extension of the intensive agriculture, by the extreme water regime of alternating periods of flood showing a deteriorating trend and drought related to the climatic change; and by several environmental problems induced mainly by the land use. The objective of the article is to prove the regional advantages of a proposed technical solution to mitigate the flood risk with a special regard to the land cover. Hydrodynamic modeling results prove that the best technical solution is given by a combination of different strategies containing the inundation of deep floodplains-areas regularly covered by water before the river regulation works and, globally, by an important mitigation of flood damages, the costs of solution would be surely covered in the longterm. By means of its natural-resembling operation, the regular water cover would allow a multiple use of water, contributing to the solution of the simultaneously existing aridity problem, and, the development of the floodplain landscape management would help improve the ecological and the economical upgrading of the region.
Key words: Aridity, deep floodplain, flood control, land use, landscape management.
1. Introduction??
The Tisza Valley in Hungary has suffered of grave flood damages and, looking back to the extreme flood events of the past decade, the risk shows a deteriorating trend. What is more, the situation of these areas, characterized by flood damages is aggravated by aridity and environmental quality problems related to the land use.
The main objective of this article is to propose an effective technical solution for flood mitigation, to analyze the limits of its execution with the current land use and to give a suggestion for the complex issues of the Tisza Valley.
1.1 Geographical Situation of the Tisza Valley
The 157,000 km2 large Tisza River basin takes part of the Danube River basin [1] and can be found in the geographical centre of Europe [2]. The Tisza River can be divided into three sections (upper, middle and downstream section) [1] from which in Hungary mostly the middle and downstream sections can be found, both characterized by a meandering platform[2]. According to its hydrological situation, the precipitation in the Hungarian Tisza Valley is less than 500 mm per year. The mean annual discharge at the mouth of the Tisza River is 792 m3/s [2]. The Tisza Valley has an extreme water regime: smaller flood events occur in every 1-2 years and larger ones in every 5-6 years [3] regularly alternating with drought within short periods. 1.2 Human Impacts
In Table 1, the actual problems of the Tisza Valley mostly related to human activities are summarized. 1.3 Possible Technical Solutions
The following interventions are possible to solve the flood risk problems:
The correction of the flood levees among the Tisza by repairing the problems of designing and of technical condition;
Amelioration of the hydraulic conductivity of the floodplain;
Emergency flood reservoirs filled up in every 30-40 years as an average in case of extreme flood waves [12];
Regular Inundation of low elevation areas called deep floodplains which used to be covered by water for 2-4 months per year before the nineteenth century regulation works [13, 14], to increase the efficiency of the shrinkage of floods.
Table 1 Problems of the Tisza Valley related with causes and issues.
2. Methodology
According to our previous research work [15], water storage in deep floodplains (anciently regularly covered by water) during flood waves would be a technically efficient way to mitigate flood risk. Our objective is to analyze the feasibility of this idea in the aspect of the land cover. 2.1 Available Information
For our research work the following georeferenced digitalized maps, GIS data and descriptive literary information were available:
The former (nineteenth century) [7, 8] and present (CLC 50) land cover of Hungary [9], Google maps, 50*50 m cells morphologic model for the Tisza Valley;
GIS data for drought and flood risk (provided by VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute of Hungary);
The Hungarian map of the areas anciently regularly covered by water (flooded areas and wetlands);
Historical landscape and ethnographical descriptions of the Tisza Valley [16], descriptions and modeling results concerning the flood risk and its influencing factors in the Tisza Valley [3-6, 14] etc.. 2.2 Hydrodynamic Modeling and Inundation Frequency Calculations
In a previous phase of our research [15], the potential technical solutions and their combinations were compared by computer models connected with each other:
2D hydrodynamic model based on the equations of shallow waves [17] resulting connected water level, reservoir volume and water surface data;
1D hydrodynamic model based on the Saint-Venant equations [12] calculating the flood level decreasing effect of the deep floodplain reservoirs in case of different operational settings;
A flood risk model determining the normal distribution intervals of different types of material damages in actual and designed conditions in different scenarios by Monte Carlo simulations [11].
The results of the mentioned modeling analysis processes constituted (among others) the input data for the empirical relationship analysis of the associated water volumes and yearly occurring frequencies for each potential deep floodplain reservoir.
The result of these calculations will be applied during the optimization of the water level of the entering point and water volume of the deep floodplain reservoirs.
2.3 GIS Analysis
After the hydrodynamic model analysis, the contour of the inundatable areas are visualizable and can be cut by software tools in georeferenced maps of the former and present land cover, the Google maps or the map of flood and drought risk. This allows the comparative analysis of the ancient and current land covers and the potential risks for each chosen deep floodplain.
3. Model Analysis and Calculation Results
As a result of the 2D hydrodynamic simulations, a sum of 2.5 milliard m3 of regularly inundatable deep floodplain capacity has been found for the Hungarian Tisza section without affecting seriously the surrounding settlements (see Fig. 3).
The water level decreasing efficiency of the deep floodplain reservoirs was compared in case of several settings for historical flood records of the last fifteen years, and it has revealed that however each flood wave is different; the average flood level mitigating effect would have always exceeded 1.0 m on the Hungarian section of the Tisza River. The optimization of the studied system has resulted that 20-30 meters large sluices and continuous and bidirectional operation would be ideal in a way that the sluices would be closed when the water level exceeds the maximum allowable level at the entering point (to prevent flood damages in the settlements and establishments).
From the flood damage cost statistics given by Monte Carlo simulations of 5,000 generated flood waves it can be concluded that with the supplement of the dykes 0.5 m above the design flood level, by maintaining the hydraulic conductivity of the floodplain and by defense activities during flood events (an important element of the Hungarian flood protection system), the material damages could be decreased even to their 0.5-1.0% compared to the estimated damages taking into account the sedimentation of the floodplain and the climatic change. (In case of a decision concerning the improvement of the flood protection system of the Tisza Valley, besides the estimated benefits–the decrease of the material damages, the costs of investment and maintenance have to be taken into account.)
In Fig. 1, the yearly occurring frequency(determined from hydrological data from the past 25 years) of the water cover can be viewed associated to the possible water volumes of the given deep floodplain area. These results are calculated for all of the chosen deep floodplains and will constitute the input data for the further optimization processes.
4. Landscape and Climatic Risk Analysis Results
4.1 Land Cover Analysis Results
The analysis of the former land cover has given the result that the areas chosen for being inundated were anciently regularly covered by water and, as a result of the nineteenth century regulation works they have been disconnected from the Tisza and its flood waves.
The current land use-except for one chosen deep floodplain which is a Ramsar wetland area-is dominated by arable lands of large and small fields, giving a mean proportion for intensive agriculture of 73% to the total of the areas. This result is proved by the visual analysis of the latest Google map pictures. The aggregated results of the land cover analysis can be studied in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1 Reservoir water volume in function of the yearly occurring frequency of the water cover.
Fig. 2 Land cover proportions in the selected deep floodplains of the Tisza Valley.
4.2 Risk of Flood and Drought
A significant part of the Tisza Valley is concerned by the environmental risks related to the extreme water balance of the region. Among the chosen areas, 92% of their sum is characterized by flood risk which is not surprising in view of the ancient, wetland dominated land cover. The drought, a more and more serious environmental risk factor of the climatic change, affects approximately the southern 2/3 part of the Hungarian Tisza Valley, or 69% of the sum of the chosen deep floodplain areas (See Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Risk of flood and of drought in the Tisza Valley.
5. Conclusion and Suggestions
Concerning the mitigation of the increasing flood risk the inundation of deep floodplains during flood waves through 20-30 meters wide sluices would be effective, but should be completed by the supplement of the dykes 0.5 m above the design flood level; and the flood level could be more efficiently mitigated by the maintenance of the hydraulic conductivity of the floodplain and by defense activities during flood events (see detailed results in Ref. [14]).
Several climatic environmental risks concern the Tisza Valley such as higher and more intense flood waves in modified frequencies and occurring periods, and, in the same time, drought in the inner areas now disconnected from the ancient water exchange processes. In the same time, the actual land use of the Valley shows a significant majority (73%) of intensive agriculture which is not only contradictory but also disadvantageous due to the diffuse nutrient inputs in the soil and in the groundwater and because of the excessive water use for irrigation. However this type of land use of the concerned population is unsustainable and contradicts with the own long term interest of the inhabitants (water supply of sufficient quantity and quality, healthy soil), because of the actual agricultural financial support system, the intensive agriculture will be very hard to be turned into a sustainable land farming adaptive to the local circumstances.
By reconnecting the more and more arid areas to the water exchange processes (similarly to the land farming of the ancient Tisza Valley), the inundation of deep floodplains would insure a regular water covering and would lead to a sustainable solution for the problems of ecological and human water supply. To contribute to a landscape management adaptive to the regular water covering and to moderate the conflict caused by the support of an unsustainable land use, the agricultural allocation system should be obviously reviewed and modified. This way, the spreading of nature-friendly agro-technologies could also be supported.
For the sake of the complex objectives of the Tisza Valley, other measures are also required to be executed. To mitigate the material flood damages, the location of the buildings plays also an important role. Hence, the revision of the permission system for constructions is also recommendable to prevent avoidable material damages in the areas potentially affected by flood. On the other hand, social tasks should be performed to draw the attention of the concerned population to the importance of the sustainable water balance and to the technical possibilities of land farming.
Concerning the research process, by means of these latest results, the next phase to achieve will be the optimization of the reservoir entering point levels taking into account the hydrological probability calculations; the analysis of the vegetation changing as an effect of the water balance; and, to find ecologically sustainable agricultural vegetation types to insure the subsistence of the inhabitants for the long term, in case of different scenarios of the climate change.
This work has been undertaken as a part of the WateRisk and SCENES projects at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), and also supported by the “Development of quality-oriented and harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME” project. This project is supported by the New Hungary Development Plan(Project ID: TáMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002). The results discussed above are supported as well by the grant TáMOP-4.2.2.B-10/1--2010-0009.
[1] I. Vágás, The floods of the Tisza River, Documentation and Retraining Centre of Water Management, Budapest, Hungary, 1982. (In Hungarian)
[2] K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger, C.T. Robinson, Tisza River, in: Rivers of Europe, Elsevier Ltd., 2009, pp. 59-112.
[3] L. Somlyódy, Strategic basics of the Hungarian water resources management, in: Strategic Issues of the Hungarian Water Resources Management, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2002, pp. 23-45. (in Hungarian)
[4] B. Nováky, Climatic change, water and sustainable water management, Report, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, 2008.(in Hungarian)
[5] Halcrow Water, Hungarian flood control development and recondition project: Feasibility study, Report, Budapest, 1999. (in Hungarian)
[6] L. Koncsos, Zs. Kozma, Modeling of floodplain sedimentation on the Hungarian Tisza, in: Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics, 32nd Congress of IAHR, Venice, Italy, Theme A2.b, 2007.
[7] Arcanum Data Base Ltd., The second military survey: The entire area of the Kingdom of Hungary and Temes on high resolution coloured map segments, 1806-1869,[DVD], Budapest, 2006.
[8] Arcanum Data Base Ltd., The third military survey: The entire area of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy on high resolution coloured map segments, 1806-1869, [DVD], Budapest, 2007.
[9] European Environment Agency (EEA), CORINE Land Cover data base, 2006. GIS layer, available online at: http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/figures/corine-l and-cover-2006-by-country.
[10] UNEP, Rapid Environmental Assessment of the Tisza River Basin [Online], UNEP/ROE and UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe, in collaboration with UNEP/Vienna-ISCC, Prepared by K. Burnod-Requia, 2004, http://www.grid.unep.ch/product/publication/download/ti sza.pdf.
[11] VáTI Hungarian Public Nonprofit Limited Liability Company for Regional Development and Town Planning, Conceptual study on the regional development of the Tisza Valley, Budapest, 2004. (in Hungarian)
[12] Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Scientific background of the issues concerning the mitigation of floods and the amelioration of the conduction of high water levels-the Development of the Vásárhelyi Plan (First part), Budapest, 2003. (in Hungarian)
[13] BOKARTISZ, The treatment of the floodplain woods,Public Company of Ecological Economics and Landscape Rehabilitation of Bodrogk?z, Karcsa, Hungary, 2005. (in Hungarian)
[14] L. Koncsos, Flood Regulation of the Tisza in the Carpathian Basin, Hungarian Association of Nature Conservation, 2006. (in Hungarian)
[15] L. Koncsos, Zs. Derts, Flood risk reduction and water quality management by deep floodplain inundations, in: Proceedings IWA Specialist Conferences/12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control/12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy, Oct. 4-8, 2010, pp. 1340-1346.
[16] G. Molnár, The floodplain land farming, in: At the Tisza River-Thoughts of Nature and History, 1st ed., Ekvilibrum Press, Zalkod, Hungary, 2003, pp. 86-97.
[17] L. Koncsos, ARES software package for decision support on rainfall-runoff and flood modeling, in: Flood Management Challenges in the XXI Century, Dutch-Hungarian Workshop, Szolnok, Hungary, 2003, pp. 68-77.