1995年11月~1996年5月,武汉市一家个体卤制品户全家26人先后发生3次程度不等的亚硝酸盐食物中毒,经治疗均获痊愈,报告如下。 1.临床资料 中毒者共26人,男11人,女15人;年龄最大56岁,最小1.5岁;未成年16人。中毒原因:误食含有亚硝酸盐卤菜制品;第二、三次是将亚硝酸盐误作食盐调味。经卫生防疫部门现场作毒物检测,剩菜中亚硝酸盐110mg/kg,呕吐物中218mg/kg。临床表现:出现症状最早是在食后15分钟,最晚3小时后。恶心、呕吐26人次,头昏、乏力15人次,全身紫绀20人次,口唇及指肢端紫绀25人次,无明显青紫1人,昏迷4人,抽搐2人,腹痛13人,眼黑朦3人,呼吸停止、大小便失禁1人。检测肝、肾功能17人次,无明显损害。心电图15人示有轻度心肌损害4人,一周后均恢复正常。
November 1995 ~ May 1996, Wuhan, a family of individual halogen products household 26 people have occurred three times in varying degrees of nitrite food poisoning, after treatment were cured, the report is as follows. 1. Clinical data poisoning a total of 26 people, 11 males and 15 females; the oldest 56 years old, minimum 1.5 years old; 16 minors. Causes of poisoning: eating nitrite loach products; the second and third is to nitrite mistakenly salt seasoning. Health and epidemic prevention departments of the scene for poison detection, leftovers nitrite 110mg / kg, vomit 218mg / kg. Clinical manifestations: Symptoms appear as early as 15 minutes after the meal, the latest 3 hours later. Nausea, vomiting 26 people, dizziness, weakness 15 passengers, systemic cyanosis 20 passengers, lips and fingers acuminata 25 passengers, no significant purple 1, coma 4, convulsions 2, abdominal pain 13, dark eyes 3, Stop breathing, incontinence 1 people. Detection of liver and kidney function 17 people without obvious damage. Electrocardiogram 15 people showed mild myocardial damage 4, returned to normal one week later.