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时间和空间是运动着的物质的存在形式。不用时间单位,人们几乎无法说明任何政治、经济、社会、历史等问题。时间单位用得最多的是年,最容易用错的也是年,而一旦用错,就会贻误读者。本文拟探讨一下“年”的正确使用问题。 一、历史纪年注意用”年”还是用“载” 一般地说,年、载是同义词,人们常说:“一年半载”。但用于历史纪年,该用年处用年,该用载处用载,不能替代。我国西汉时武帝刘彻开始用年号纪年,他即位的那年称建元元年,以后顺序递记。在产生年号纪年以前,是从帝王即位那年算起,如西周共和元年。须要注意的是:唐玄宗使用天宝这个年号的时间为15年,除天宝元年、天宝二年用“年”外,其余13年“改年曰载”,即天宝三载、天宝四载……天宝十五载;唐肃宗使用至德这个年号的时间为3年,除至德元年外,余为至德二载,至德三载。从西汉刘彻至晚清溥仪,我国封建帝王用年号纪年,历时共2051年,只有上述两个例外——用载不用年。可惜很多书稿作者,编校人员不注意, Time and space are the existential forms of moving matter. Without time units, people can hardly tell any political, economic, social, historical issues. Time unit is the most used year, the most easy to use the wrong is the year, and once used incorrectly, it will bungle readers. This article intends to explore the “year” of the correct use of the issue. First, the historical anniversaries Note that the “year” or “contained” Generally speaking, years, contains a synonym, people often say: “a year and a half.” However, it is used for historical annuities and the year of use must be used. In the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu Che Liu began to use the reign of Chronology, which he called the year of reign as the first year of Jianyuan, the order handed down later. In the year before the birth date, is from the emperor ascended the throne that year, such as the first year of Western Zhou Republic. It should be noted that: Emperor Xuanzong use Tempo this year's time is 15 years, in addition to Tianbao the first year, Tianbao two years with “year”, the remaining 13 years, “said the year of change,” that is, ... ... Tianbao fifteen set; Tang Suzong use this symbol of the time to Germany for 3 years, except to the first year of Germany, Yu is the second set of Germany to Germany three contained. From the Western Han Liu Che to the late Qing Pu Yi, China's feudal emperors with the chronology, lasted a total of 2051, only the above two exceptions - do not contain years. Unfortunately, many of the manuscript authors, editing staff do not pay attention,
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