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现金流量表是指反映企业在一定会计期间的现金和现金等价物流入和流出的会计报表,为信息使用者提供在一定期间内企业的现金来源、用途及现金余额变动的原因等信息,因此正确地编制现金流量表对保证所提供信息的质量至关重要。企业应采用直接法报告企业经营活动的现金流量,即分类别、分项目列示企业的现金流量,包括经营活动产生的现金流量、投资活动产生的现金流量和筹资活动产生的现金流量,同时在现金流量表补充资料中将利润调节为经营活动产生的现金流量。在以上三种现金流量中,筹资活动和投资活动现金流量编制比较简单,而经营活动现金流量是企业重要的现金流量来源,也是编制的难点。本文就“购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金”项目的编制进行简单分析,并举例加以说明。 The cash flow statement refers to the accounting statements reflecting the inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents of an enterprise during a certain accounting period and provides information users with information on the sources and uses of cash and the reasons for changes in cash balances within a certain period of time. The preparation of cash flow statements is essential to ensure the quality of the information provided. The enterprise shall adopt the direct method to report the cash flow of the business activities of the enterprise, that is, categorize the cash flows of the enterprises by sub-item, including the cash flows from operating activities, the cash flows from investing activities and the cash flows from financing activities, In the supplementary information of cash flow statement, the profit is adjusted to be the cash flow generated from operating activities. Among the above three kinds of cash flows, the cash flow of fund-raising activities and investment activities is relatively simple, and the cash flow from operating activities is the important cash flow source of the enterprise, which is also the difficult point for the preparation. This article on the “purchase of goods, receiving payment of cash services,” the preparation of a simple analysis, and an example to illustrate.
1 概述rn本文旨在阐述可能切除的胰腺导管腺癌(border-line resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma,BR-PDAC)的国际共识,该定义由美国国立综合癌症网络中心(NCCN)于20
无论在哪里,文化都是一个地方的重要标志,它经过了时间的长廊,渡过了言语的海洋,展现在我们面前的,是它精致的容貌。  而南昌,这个温文尔雅的城市,也把它最好的样子,留给了我们。  走在江边,江面上闪着灿灿的波光,抬头一望,对面的江边楼阁,会让你赞叹不已,就像诗中所说:“云销雨霁,彩彻区明。落霞与弧鹭齐飞,秋水共长天一色。”红砖绿瓦,碾玉披身,它庄重地在江边矗立,身后的一切,在它的气势下,仿佛都成了泡