潜艇游弋在浩瀚的大洋中,由它发射弹道导弹攻击陆地目标,真是“神不知,鬼不觉”。正因如此,现今美国近一半的战略核力量部署在核潜艇上。可是说到弹道导弹潜艇的鼻祖,则要追溯到第二次世界大战中德国潜艇实施的无制导火箭弹水中发射试验。U511的火箭发射试验 1941年末,德国海军U511号潜艇(IXC型)艇长弗利茨·斯泰因霍夫上尉在与他的兄弟埃恩斯特·斯泰因霍夫谈话时萌发出一种新武器设想,即把带爆炸弹头的火箭弹装到潜艇上,让潜艇在潜航状态下秘密接近目
Submarine cruising in the vast ocean, it launched a ballistic missile attack on land targets, really “God do not know, ghost feeling ”. For this reason, nearly half of the U.S. strategic nuclear forces now deploy on nuclear submarines. But when it comes to the originator of ballistic missile submarines, it goes back to the launching test of unmanned rockets launched by German submarines during the Second World War. U511 Rocket Launch Test At the end of 1941, Captain Fritz Steinhoff, captain of the German Navy’s U511 submarine (IXC), sprouted during his conversation with his brother Ernst Steinhoff The new weapon concept, that is, the rocket with a detonating warhead mounted on the submarine, so that the submarine in the submarine state secretly close to the head