How to tap the inherent potential of the original plant, increase the lifting level of the crane, meet the needs of production and use with a small amount of investment, the fastest speed, this is a subject that urgently needs to be solved in the current technological transformation of the factory. For a plant to change its original product program for production needs, the crane lifting capacity of the plant must be increased from 250 tons to 400 tons. This technical transformation task was carried out by the Seventh Design and Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and participated in by the Brotherhood in 1980. Based on the original structure of the factory building and the structural features of the 400-ton crane product, they proposed a modification of the crane; the resurfacing of the foundation of the factory building was carried out and the strength and spatial stiffness of the bearing structure were measured and accounted for, and finally the technical transformation was confirmed. Measures program. The practice of production and use over the past few years has proven that this technological transformation is both simple and effective.