The true triaxial apparatus was used to carry out the unidirectional loading test of cement soil to study the anisotropic variation of cement soil and the influence of stress on lateral expansion. The results show that under the unidirectional loading condition, the compressive direction is both compressive and the lateral expansion is mainly related to the increment of shear stress △ q. The main stress σ1 is unidirectional, △ q> 0, the middle principal stress σ2, The main stress σ3 direction of the lateral expansion; the main stress unidirectional loading, △ q> 0, σ3 direction lateral expansion, △ q <0, no lateral expansion; small main stress unidirectional loading, △ q <0, the sample does not produce lateral expansion; for the same stress increment, the specimen lateral expansion and compressive strain decrease with the increase of initial consolidation stress. Energy analysis shows that the lateral expansion of the specimen is related to the degree of restraint in a certain direction. The stronger the restraint is, the smaller the lateral expansion is; the weaker the restraint is, the larger the lateral expansion is.