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云南省西双版纳州是一个以农村乡镇为主的边境旅游城市,全州共31个乡镇,居住着汉、傣、哈尼、拉祜、彝、布朗、基诺、瑶等14个民族共计110余万人,少数民族占总人口的74%,农村火灾形势十分严峻,火灾总数约占全州火灾总数的65%左右。按照全州消防工作总体部署,西双版纳州公安消防支队积极采取有力举措挖掘人力、物力资源,充实消防安全工作力量,逐步形成了覆盖全 Xishuangbanna Prefecture in Yunnan Province is a frontier tourism town with rural villages and towns as its mainstay. The state has a total of 31 towns and villages, with more than 1.1 million people living in 14 ethnic groups including Han, Dai, Hani, Lahu, Yi, Brown, Keno and Yao, Ethnic minorities account for 74% of the total population. The fire situation in rural areas is very serious. The total number of fires accounts for about 65% of the total number of fires in the state. In accordance with the overall deployment of statewide fire fighting work, Xishuangbanna Prefecture Public Security Fire Brigade actively take effective measures to tap human and material resources, enrich the work of fire safety, and gradually formed a complete coverage