中国蘑菇云的育种者 1964年10月16日,在中国西部戈壁滩的上空,一朵巨大的蘑菇云以耀眼的光芒腾空而起。这时候,亿万中华儿女、炎黄子孙都真正感到了“中国人民站起来了”的力量,而外国列强则无不为之震惊。全世界的华人将世世代代铭记为这一切作出贡献的中国科学家的名字:王淦昌、钱三强、彭桓武、邓稼先……。这些名字读者可能并不陌生,可是在这些科学家背后的一个事实却是鲜为人知的:他们都是一位名叫叶企孙的物理学教授的门生。
China Mushroom Cloud Breeders On October 16, 1964, a huge cloud of mushrooms rose in dazzling light over the Gobi Desert in western China. At this time, hundreds of millions of Chinese children and Chinese descendants of the Chinese people truly felt the power of “the Chinese people stood up” while the foreign powers were all shocked. Chinese people all over the world will for generations bear in mind the names of Chinese scientists who have contributed to all this: Wang Ganchang, Qian Sanqiang, Peng Huanwu, Deng Jiaxian ....... These names are probably no strangers to readers, but the fact behind these scientists is little known: they are all students of a professor of physics named Ye Hsieh Sun.