当光通过一个光学器件时 ,一种减少两通光面反射损耗的方法 ,是将此两通光面切割成所谓的布儒斯特角且相互平行。这种相互平行的具有布儒斯特角通光面的光学器件 ,被用来减少反射损耗已经很多年了。激光发明以后 ,特别是二次谐波发生实现以后 ,上述这种平行式布儒斯特角切割方法 ,也曾不断用来降低倍频器的反射损失。但并没有人谈到过实验结果 :这种将倍频器的通光面切割成相互平行的具有布儒斯特角的方法 ,是否真能减少倍频器的反射损耗 ?我们的回答是 :不能。本文将从理论上说明为什么不能 ,并给出我们认为正确的切割方法。
One method of reducing the return loss of a two-pass facet is to cut the two faces into so-called Brewster angles and to be parallel to each other when light passes through an optics. This parallel parallel optics with Brewster angles has been used for many years to reduce the reflection loss. After the laser was invented, especially after the realization of the second harmonic, the above parallel Brewster angle cutting method has also been used to reduce the frequency doubler reflection loss. But no one has talked about the experimental results: This method of cutting the doubler’s light-emitting surface parallel to each other with Brewster’s angle can really reduce the frequency multiplier reflection loss? Our answer is: can not . This article will theoretically explain why you can not and give the cutting method we think is correct.