我国现有各种版本的中学物理课本 ,对焦耳定律的表述都是 :电流通过导体产生的热量 ,跟电流的二次方、导体的电阻和通电时间成正比 . Q =I2 Rt.笔者感到“产生的热量”五个字不妥当 .首先要明确“热量”的意义 ,热量是热学中最重要的概念之一 .《中学物理教师手册》
There are various versions of middle school physics textbooks in China. The expression of the law of focus ear is: the heat generated by the current through the conductor is proportional to the square of the current, the resistance of the conductor and the time of energization. Q = I2 Rt. The author feels “ ”The amount of heat generated“ is not appropriate. The first thing to do is to clarify the meaning of ”heat". Heat is one of the most important concepts in thermal science.