评价历史人物必须建立在史实的基础上,谨慎甄别、考证各种史料,以正确史实为据。只有以明代中晚期的历 史大背景为前提出发,坚持以促进社会发展、符合广大人民与民族国家利益作为评价历史人物的标准,才能更为全面客 观地认识严嵩这个复杂的历史人物,也才可能对他忠勤侍君、奉命唯谨的执政风格及其绩效作出较为客观的评价。
Evaluation of historical figures must be based on historical facts, cautious screening, textual research of various historical data, based on the correct historical facts. Only on the premise of the historical background of the middle and late Ming Dynasty, if we insist on promoting social development in line with the interests of the broad masses of people and nation as the criteria for evaluating historical figures, can we fully understand objectively the complex historical figure of Yan Song and make it possible Give him a more objective assessment of his loyalty and courtesy, and his commitment to the ruling style and his performance.