眼眶淋巴管瘤,也像眼眶血管瘤一样,是一种先天发育畸形,并非真性肿瘤。此瘤罕见,经验不易积累,临床与病理都易误诊,现对本院遇到的4例报告如下。病例报告例1 张××,14岁,女性,住院号20026,病理号59-229。病孩从4岁起,在左眼内毗部结膜上,有一黄豆大小的红色肿块,逐年增大,并伴以进行性眼球突出。临床检查左眼视力无光感.上下睑肿胀,睁眼运动
Orbital lymphangioma, like eyelid hemangiomas, is a congenital malformation, not a true one. This tumor is rare, the experience is not easy to accumulate, clinical and pathological are often misdiagnosed, and the 4 cases encountered by this hospital are reported below. Case report 1 Zhang X, 14 years old, female, hospital number 20026, path number 59-229. From the age of 4 years onwards, the sick child had a soy-sized red mass on the conjunctiva of the adjoining part of the left eye, which increased year by year and was accompanied by progressive ocular protrusion. Clinical examination of left eye vision without light perception. Swelling of upper and lower jaw, blink movement