1947年12月,我国古典文学专家,知名教授陶光,和一位在茶馆中清唱起家、艺名耐梅女士的地方戏女艺人,冲破世俗偏见,结为夫妇。在学术界和戏曲界中,都算得是一段佳话。 婚前一帆风顺,婚后波浪迭生,连德高望重的刘文典教授,也受到了牵连。民国时期并不多见的这桩婚事,被不少人视为“离经叛道”的行为,横遭訾议。最后,陶教授毅然携带新婚未满周年的夫人,并非甘愿地远走天涯海角。
In December 1947, Tao Guang, a famous expert on classical literature in our country, and a local female actress who started singing in the tea house and was under the stage name Ms. Ni Mei, broke through secular prejudices and became married couples. In academia and opera circles, are considered a story. Smooth premarital marriage, wave after marriage Diego Diego, even the highly respected professor Liu Wendian, has also been implicated. The marriage, which is uncommon in the Republic of China, was viewed by many as a “deviant” act. Finally, Professor Tao resolutely carried his newly married wife less than the anniversary, is not willing to walk away from the ends of the earth.