经过多年追踪,FBI探员Peter终于将诈骗高手Neal抓获归案,一般故事到这儿就算结束了,但《妙警贼探》(White Collar)的故事由此才开始。Neal不甘心从此在牢狱中度过一生,向Peter提出一项交易:以他多年的黑道见识和聪明才智帮助Peter侦破疑案,以此换取自己的自由。Peter同意了,于是Neal出了监狱,戴上可以追踪定位的脚环,成了FBI的破案顾问。剧集从2009年推出第一季开始,到现在已经播到第六季,Peter和Neal在一次次通力合
After many years of follow-up, FBI detective Peter finally brought the fraudster Neal to justice and the general story ended here. However, the story of “White Collar” began. Neal, unwilling to spend the rest of his life in jail, made a deal with Peter to help Peter solve his suspicions with his years of underworld insight and cleverness in exchange for his freedom. Peter agreed, so Neal went to jail and put on a track-and-loop footing to become FBI’s conspirator. The series began in the first quarter of 2009 and has now reached the sixth season, with Peter and Neal