1、选用对路品种。春提早的黄瓜,要选用耐低温弱光的品种,秋延后要求耐湿热抗病性强。可用中农2号,中农4号,津研7号,唐山秋瓜和朱庄秋瓜等。 2、育苗直播。春提早的要科学确定播种期,尽量避过最低温和最高温的危害。秋黄瓜
1, choose the right species. Early spring cucumber, to use low temperature and low light varieties, autumn delay after the requirements of heat resistance and disease resistance. Available Zhongnong 2, Zhongnong 4, Tianjin Research 7, Tangshan autumn melon and Zhu Zhuangqiu melons. 2, nursery live broadcast. Early spring science to determine the sowing period, try to avoid the lowest temperature and the highest temperature hazards. Autumn cucumber