摘 要:该研究面对国家战略需求,针对贵金属替代的新型动力燃料电池,以降低成本、提高耐久性为主线,开展贵金属替代电催化剂、新型碱性/高温电解质膜和有序化膜电极、高能效电堆和一体化系统集成等关键科学技术研究,重点解决动力燃料电池多维度电极反应动力学过程和电催化剂构效关系及电催化机理,聚合物电解质膜的分子创制和膜电极有序化结构构筑及离子传输强化机制,动力燃料电池电堆一致性和系统一体化集成与过程耦合规律等关键科学问题。围绕总体目标,针对关键科学问题和重点研究内容,该研究设置如下6个课题:(1)贵金属完全替代纳米电催化剂结构设计与催化活性及耐久性研究;(2)贵金属部分替代纳米电催化剂的创制与催化活性及抗毒机理研究;(3)新型固态电解质膜的分子设计与离子传输机制研究;(4)有序化膜电极微-纳结构构建与界面极化损失研究;(5)基于新型电解质膜高能效电堆结构与一致性研究;(6)10 kW级新型动力燃料电池系统集成技术研究。
关键词:电催化剂 质子交换膜 膜电极 电堆 燃料电池动力系统
Abstract:In this project, we mainly force on the following issues:the structural design and catalytic activity and durability of Precious completely replace electro-catalyst.synthesis of low-Pt nano-electrocatalysts and the catalytic activity and the tolerance to poisoning.Molecular design and mechanism study for ionic conduction in novel solid polymer electrolyte membrane.the order micro-nanometer structure membrane electrode assembly and its boundary polarization loss.new electrolyte membrane based high-efficient stack structure and its consistency.Development on 10kW novel fuel cell power system integration technology.
Key Words:Electro-catalyst;Proton exchange membrane;Membrane electrode assembly;Stack;Fuel cell power system
关键词:电催化剂 质子交换膜 膜电极 电堆 燃料电池动力系统
Abstract:In this project, we mainly force on the following issues:the structural design and catalytic activity and durability of Precious completely replace electro-catalyst.synthesis of low-Pt nano-electrocatalysts and the catalytic activity and the tolerance to poisoning.Molecular design and mechanism study for ionic conduction in novel solid polymer electrolyte membrane.the order micro-nanometer structure membrane electrode assembly and its boundary polarization loss.new electrolyte membrane based high-efficient stack structure and its consistency.Development on 10kW novel fuel cell power system integration technology.
Key Words:Electro-catalyst;Proton exchange membrane;Membrane electrode assembly;Stack;Fuel cell power system