滑菇,又名滑子蘑、光帽鳞伞、珍珠菇。其质嫩味美,营养丰富,每百克干品含蛋白质15.13克,Vc8.83毫克,VB_20.05毫克,VD 原0.223毫克。所含β-葡萄糖对小白鼠180肉瘤抑制率高达36.5%,还可预防葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、肺炎杆菌、结核杆菌的感染。但是由于其生育期长,产量低,15℃以上易开伞等问题,限制了在我国关内的发展。我们于1982年针
Osmanthus mushroom, also known as slider mushroom, light-cap umbrella, pearl mushrooms. Its tender and delicious, nutritious, per 100 grams of dry goods containing protein 15.13 grams, Vc8.83 mg, VB_20.05 mg, VD of 0.223 mg. Containing β-glucose on mouse sarcoma 180 inhibition rate as high as 36.5%, but also prevent Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. However, due to its long growth period, low output and ease of opening at temperatures above 15 ℃, it has limited the development in our country. We needle in 1982