Diabetes mellitus belongs to the category of “diabetes” in Chinese medicine. It is characterized by multiple drinks, more food, more urine, body wasting, or urine turbidity and sweet urine. Mainly due to Yin deficiency, diet, due to complex emotional disorders, due to excessive labor, its pathological characteristics are mostly “yin deficiency” and “hot”, the disease is mainly stomach, kidney, as the Yu family said The disease of Diabetes “has seen in the stomach and in the lungs and kidneys.” Zhang Zhongjing is also in the “Golden Chamber” neutral white tiger plus ginseng soup, kidney Qi pill as a basic prescription for the treatment of diabetes, its meaning also refers to stomach heat, kidney deficiency. Although ancient physicians believe that diabetes and lung, stomach, liver and kidney are related to yin deficiency and impotence, but it must be stomach heat kidney essence at the same time damage, fiery heat within the fire, can be formed by burning internal organs and body fluids, so treatment with nourishing The two methods are mainly heat and heat. Diabetes in modern medicine believes that the main cause of glucose metabolism disorders is mainly due to insufficient insulin secretion in the body.