本期“图说”骨质疏松症的防治。 笔者业余爱好书画,积习翻书,读到近代书画大师黄宾虹先生在谈论书画笔墨时说,“用笔不可力弱,浮、滑、轻、易皆是弱病。却去此病,必须练习笔法骨力”,“用笔要力能压得住纸而力透纸背才是”,“然用力不可过刚,过刚则枯硬”。黄老还强调,这种笔力不是用蛮力、而是骨、法兼力,以达到“金刚杵法化作绕指柔”的境界方谓得法。这样,临池染翰笔墨“圆转如意,刚柔得
This issue of “map” prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Mr. Huang Binhong, modern master of calligraphy and painting, said when he talked about calligraphy and painting, he said: “The pen is weak, floating, sliding, light and easy, and all are weaknesses. Bone strength ”,“ the ability to use the pen to squeeze the paper and through the paper back is ”,“ However, force can not be too hard, just just hardened. ” Huang Lao also emphasized that this force is not used by brute force but by the fact that the bone and the law are both sides of one another in order to achieve the realm of “King Kong and Pei Pei”. In this way, Lin Chi Pencil Ink "turn wishful, just soft