王建辰教授,男,1921年生,陕西兴平人,中共党员。1946 年毕业于西北农学院,现任西北农业大学兽医系教授,博士生 导师。曾任教研组主任、系主任、家畜生殖内分泌研究室主任; 兼任中国畜牧兽医学会理事、兽医产科学分会理事长、陕西省 畜牧兽医学会副理事长;国际胚胎移植学会会员;并担任《中 国农业百科全书·兽医产科分支》和《畜牧兽医杂志)副主编、 《国外兽医学—畜禽疾病》主编和《陕西农牧志》顾问等职。 王建辰教授执教40多年来辛勤耕耘,治学严谨。先后承
Professor Wang Jianchen, male, born in 1921, Shaanxi Xingping, member of the Communist Party of China. He graduated from Northwestern Agricultural College in 1946 and is currently a professor and doctoral tutor at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at Northwestern Agricultural University. Former teaching and research group director, department director, animal husbandry and reproductive endocrinology laboratory director; serves as director of China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society, veterinary obstetrics branch director, vice president of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; member of the International Embryo Transfer Society; and served as “China Agricultural Encyclopedia The book veterinary obstetrics branch ”and“ animal husbandry and veterinary magazine ”deputy editor,“ foreign veterinary science - animal diseases ”editor and“ Shaanxi agriculture and animal husbandry ”consultant. Professor Wang Jianchen coached more than 40 years hard work, rigorous scholarship. Has inherited