5年职业联赛,大连万达4夺冠军。而整个甲A的格局除了’95赛季上海申花夺冠时曾经出现过申花、国安、万达、宏远4强争雄的形势外,基本上都是万达一枝独秀。’97和’98两个赛季,万达队都是早早地卫冕成功,让联赛中最有卖点的冠军之争,变得最平淡乏味。 万达已经成为甲A的寂寞高手,它的荣耀至少可以给我们这一样一个启示:一支什么样的球队才能在甲A称王。无论是大胜红金龙、海狮,还是负于全兴和敖东,万达队都让人看不出来过度的喜悦和哀伤,它似乎只是在按部就班地完成着自己的联赛,以自己的节奏来完成一个最终夺冠的任务。万达队的
5 years professional league, Dalian Wanda 4 to win the championship. The pattern of the entire A in addition to the ’95 Shanghai Shenhua Champions League when there have been Shenhua, Guoan, Wanda, Hongyuan 4 strong fight the situation, are basically Wanda thriving. ’97 and ’98 two seasons, Wanda is the early defending success, so that the league’s most selling point of the championship battle, become the most boring. Wanda has become a lonely ace A master, its glory at least to give us an indication of this: what kind of team can be a king in A. Whether it is victory over the Red Dragon, the sea lions, or lost to Quanxing and Aodong, Wanda people can not see people over the joy and sadness, it seems to only step by step to complete their league to complete their own rhythm A final victory of the task. Wanda’s