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在过去工作的基础上,进一步观察了合金钢的组织结构对于钨、镍、硅、锰的光谱分析的影响和碳钢的组织结构对于硅、锰的影响。这些影响都是随着钢中含碳量的增加而增加,对与不同元素有程度上的不同。改变激发条件的试验结果指出:1)在同一激发条件下,淬火组织试样的弧温比退火组织的低;2)在同一弧温时,弧柱中合金元素与铁元素的浓度比值是淬火组织的比退火组织的高。由于这两个因素对于谱线强度所发生的影响的方向相反,所以在实际的光谱分析中,组织结构的影响便有不同的表现。 根据分析线对中的分析线与内标线的激发能差值的大小,可以说明为什么采用离子线或原子线作分析线对时所观察到的组织结构影响不同或者方向相反。当所用的分析线对比较均称时,淬火组织试样的分析结果总是比退火的高。引起组织结构影响的主要原因是由于在不同组织结构时蒸发情况的不同。试样中所含溶解碳量的增加使原子间力相应地减小,这可以解释为什么含碳量不同以及不同的合金元素引起不同的组织结构影响。 Based on the past work, we further observed the influence of the microstructure of the alloyed steel on the spectral analysis of tungsten, nickel, silicon and manganese and the effect of the structure of carbon steel on silicon and manganese. All of these effects increase with the increase of carbon in the steel, to varying degrees with different elements. The results show that: 1) Under the same excitation conditions, the arc temperature of the quenched microstructure is lower than that of the annealed microstructure; 2) The concentration ratio of alloying elements to iron in the arc arc is quenched at the same arc temperature The tissue is higher than the annealed tissue. Since these two factors have opposite effects on the intensity of the line, the effects of the structure of the tissue are different in the actual spectral analysis. According to the analytical line of the analytical line and the internal standard line excitation energy difference between the size, you can explain why the use of ion lines or atomic lines for the analysis of the line when the observed effects of different organizational structure or the opposite direction. When the analytical lines used are more symmetrical, the results of quenched specimens are always higher than those of annealed specimens. The main reason for the influence of the tissue structure is due to the difference in the evaporation in different tissue structures. Increasing the amount of dissolved carbon contained in the sample decreases the inter-atomic force correspondingly, which explains why different carbon contents and different alloying elements cause different structural effects.
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