Function, refers to the role of a part of the organization in the organization of the system and its way. The functions of procuratorial organs, that is, procuratorial functions, are the functions and functions of procuratorial organs in the system of state organs. They are determined by the nature and status of procuratorial organs and are determined through the exercise of their functions and powers. In the framework of the modern rule of law, the procuratorial system carries an important mission of relief and is the guardian of order, power, fairness and justice. According to the current laws and regulations of our country, procuratorial functions are mainly realized through three channels: First, the duty to investigate crimes. Second, the right to public prosecution. The third is litigation supervision. The functions of procuratorial organs should be given full play in three aspects. First, safeguarding the unification of the state legal system; second, exercising proper restraint of power; third, maintaining a reasonable framework of modern justice. The legal supervisory function of procuratorial organs is exercised mainly through various litigation activities, including criminal, civil and administrative litigation activities. As a result, a variety of specific procuratorial functions have also been formed, including investigation functions, investigation and supervision functions, public prosecution functions, criminal trial supervision functions, prison supervision functions and civil administrative procuratorial functions.