今年,中国广东省部分地区出现了一种不寻常的传染病——非典型肺炎(atypicalpneumonia,AP),世界卫生组织(WHO)称为严重急性呼吸综合征(severeacute respiratory syndrome,SARS)。我院是深圳市唯一一家被指定收治 SARS 的定点医院。现对2003年2月9日~5月20日,住院的3例老年人 SARS 的临床与胸部 X 线表现以及实验室资料进行总结。
This year, atypical pneumonia (AP), an unusual infectious disease in some areas of Guangdong Province of China, was reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) as severeacute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Our hospital is the only designated hospital in Shenzhen designated SARS treatment. Now on February 9, 2003 to May 20, 2003 hospitalized 3 elderly SARS clinical and chest X-ray findings and laboratory data were summarized.