一、我区新疆杨引种现状新疆杨Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis Bge.杨柳科杨属,落叶乔木,高度可达30m,树冠圆柱形,树皮灰绿色,光滑,老时灰色短枝上的叶初有白绒毛,后脱落,叶广椭圆形,基部平截,有粗印锯齿。长枝上的叶常5-7掌状深裂,边缘不规则粗锯齿,表面光滑或局部有毛,背面有白色绒毛。其树姿优美、挺拔,耐干旱,耐盐碱,生长快,深根性,萌力强,病虫害少,材质较好,对烟尘有一定的吸附作用。新疆杨原产中亚细亚、西亚、巴尔干、欧洲南部、前苏联和中东一带。我国三北地区均有栽培,
First, the introduction of the Xinjiang region of Xinjiang Yang Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis Bge. Poplar genus, deciduous tree, up to 30m, crown cylindrical, bark gray-green, smooth, old gray spur Leaves early white fluff, after the fall, broad leaves oblong, base truncation, with thick serrated. Long branches of the leaves often 5-7 palmately cracked, irregularly coarsely serrated edge, the surface smooth or partially hairy, white fluff on the back. Its graceful posture, tall and straight, drought-resistant, salt-resistant, fast growth, deep root, Meng strong, less pests and diseases, better material, the smoke and dust have a certain adsorption. Xinjiang Yang native to Central Asia, West Asia, the Balkans, southern Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Middle East. Three northern regions of our country have cultivated,