概述:在精神卫生和社会心理学研究中,常常需要报告研究使用某一评估方法的评估者间的一致性。本文讨论了一致性的概念,强调一致性与相关性的本质区别。Kappa系数是衡量一致性的一个常用统计方法。我们用几个例子说明如何通过手工计算或统计软件包SAS、SPSS等计算Kappa系数,用真实的研究数据说明如何在临床研究和实践中使用和解释这个系数。最后文章讨论了该系数的局限性。“,”Summary:In mental health and psychosocial studies it is otfen necessary to report on the between-rater agreement of measures used in the study. This paper discusses the concept of agreement, highlighting its fundamental difference from correlation. Several examples demonstrate how to compute the kappa coeffcient – a popular staitsitc for measuring agreement – both by hand and by using staitsitcal sotfware packages such as SAS and SPSS. Real study data are used to illustrate how to use and interpret this coeffcient in clinical research and pracitce. The aritcle concludes with a discussion of the limitaitons of the coeffcient.