The Application of Politeness Tactics in Business Negotiation

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Ⅰ Introduction With the development of economic globalization,business activities begin to take place in much wider areas,which makes business English more and more important.In business activities,business negotiation is a very key factor and it is the prerequisite of a successful cooperation.So business negotiation is very important Ⅰ Introduction With the development of economic globalization, business activities begin to take place in much wider areas, which makes business English more and more important. Business activities, business negotiation is a very key factor and it is the prerequisite of a successful cooperation. So business negotiation is very important
西汉,由于农业的迅速发展,粮食产量的提高,酿酒业也发展较快。正如列宁指出的一样,酿酒业与农业的发展直接相关。 西汉酒制的问题牵涉面较宽,本文仅就酒价、酒税、产销方式