中国第二历史档案馆接待利用组,是全国档案系统先进集体。自1980年中央确定开放历史档案的方针以来,这个接待组共接待了14000多个查档单位,累计近20万人次。其中向中央有关部门及时提供的九世班禅圆寂、十世班禅坐床的档案,中国对南沙群岛拥有主权的档案,以及台湾“二·二八”事件的档案等珍贵史料,为国家的重要决策、外交谈判提供了凭证和参考,产生了良好的政治效益和社会效益。这些成绩的取得,是全组同志克服重重困难,不断开拓进取的结果。 在二史馆的大门向社会各界打开之后,接待组面临着很大的压力,遇到了两个十分突出的矛盾。首先是工作量大和人手少的矛盾。开放以后,来馆查档单位数量和提供档案数量,逐年大幅度增加。从1980年起至今,工作量增加了8倍,而工作人员只增加了1倍多。在查档高峰期间,每天接待的利用者多达百人以上,提供的档案有时超过千卷。其次是工作难度增加
China Second Historical Archives Reception and Utilization Group, is the advanced archives system nationwide. Since the central government’s determination of the opening of the historical archives in 1980, this reception group has received more than 14,000 file units totaling nearly 200,000. Among them, precious historical materials such as the death of the 9th Panchen Lama, the archives of the 10th Panchen Lama on the bed, the archives of China’s sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, and the archives of Taiwan’s “February 28” incident were timely provided to the relevant central authorities for the country’s important decisions Diplomatic negotiations provided vouchers and references and produced good political and social benefits. The achievement of these achievements is the result of all the comrades in the group who overcome difficulties and make continuous progress. After the gate of the 2nd History Museum was opened to the community, the reception group was under great pressure and encountered two prominent contradictions. The first is the contradiction between heavy workload and less manpower. After the opening up, the number of archives inspection units and the number of archives provided by the museum increased substantially year by year. Since 1980, the workload has increased eightfold, while the number of staff has only more than doubled. During peak searches, up to a hundred users are served daily, sometimes providing more than a thousand rolls of files. Second is the difficulty of work to increase