宋辽金元史专家李涵师承于陈寅恪、聂崇岐、翁独健等史学巨擘 ,在近半个世纪的治史生涯中潜心学问 ,严谨创新 ,对宋辽金元史研究作出了积极贡献 ,其代表作《蒙古前期的断事官、必赤、中书省和燕京行省》等见解独到、考论严密、分析深刻 ,被公认为蒙古国家中央官制研究的经典之作。她的研究善于贯通比较 ,由此及彼 ,从而得出超越一时一事局限的科学结论 ;善于以小见大 ,从对具体问题的分析折射大的社会场景 ,具有鲜明的特色。与此同时 ,李涵先生把教书育人视为更重要的事业 ,她不仅重视对学生治史基本功的培养 ,而且善于采用多种方法开启学生的悟性 ,发挥学生的主观能动作用 ;尤其强调创新、求实、严谨的学风 ,以自身的表率加以引导、教育 ,把学术规范的训练放在极其重要的位置
Lecturers of Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, under the leadership of Chen Yinke, Nie Chongqi, Weng Dujian and other historiographers, devoted themselves to the study of history in nearly half a century with rigorous innovation. They made a positive contribution to the research on the history of the Song and Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties. , Must be red, the book of provinces and Yanjing province "and other unique insights, test rigorous analysis, profound analysis, is recognized as the study of Mongolia’s central official system of the classic. Her research is good at penetrating and comparing with each other, and thus leading to scientific conclusions that transcend the limitations of one o’clock. She is good at distinguishing large social scenes from social scenes that reflect large numbers of specific issues and have distinctive features. At the same time, Mr. Li Han regards teaching and educating people as more important undertakings. She not only pays great attention to the cultivation of students’ basic skills in managing medical history, but is also good at using various methods to open up students’ perceptions and give play to students’ subjective initiative. In particular, , Truth-seeking, rigorous style of study, guided by its own example, education, the training of academic norms on the extremely important position