
来源 :泸州职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mike621
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概率统计是大学的一门重要的数学应用课程,绝大多少专业都要开设这门课程。其实我们日常生活中都要和概率统计打交道,人们经常说的运气、机遇就是概率统计问题。从小学、初中、高中都有概率统计的内容。在高职院校中,由于课时较少,不能像本科院校那样,从数学的理论体系学习概率统计,如何用较少的课时讲更多的内容,同时针对高职院校学生的基础,避开概率统计复杂的理论,引入数学软件,对传统的教学体系和方法进行改革,本文给出一些探索和建议。 Probability and Statistics is an important mathematics application course in the university, which is required for the vast majority of majors. In fact, we have to deal with probability and statistics in our daily life. People often say that luck and opportunity are problems of probability and statistics. From primary school, junior high school, high school have probability statistics. In higher vocational colleges, due to the limited class hours, we can not learn probability and statistics from the theoretical system of mathematics as the undergraduate colleges, how to use more hours less time to talk about more content, at the same time for the basis of students in higher vocational colleges, Avoid the complex theory of probability and statistics, introduce mathematics software and reform the traditional teaching system and method. This article gives some exploration and suggestions.
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