在中国扇面画的形制中,不规则扇面花鸟画具有审美情趣和独特的个性,给人以不同的视觉感受。本文从扇面花鸟画的兴起,沿着不同形制的扇面花鸟画发现不规则扇面花鸟画的趣味性,并从作品构图和构思、创作风格和图式语言等方面对不规则扇面花鸟画创作进行了一些初步的探讨。希望能通过对不规则扇面画形式的运用,使作品画面在形式感上有更好的的突破。。","In Chinese fan painting in shape, irregular fan bird has aesthetic taste and unique personality, gives a different visual experience. From the rise of bird fan, bird fan along different irregular shapes found interesting bird fan, composition and terms of works and ideas, creative style and language and other irregular fan bird creation was some preliminary discussions. We hope that through irregular fan painting forms used, that works better picture of a breakthrough in the sense of form.