关于《文心雕龙·隐秀》篇补文问题由来已久。至迟在元代,《文心雕龙·隐秀》篇已成残篇,现存最早的《文心雕龙》刻本为元至正十五年(1355年)本,此篇自“始正而末奇”至“朔风动秋草”的“朔”字共四百字整为阙文,此本每半叶十行,每行二十字,所缺四百字,正合一板。明代诸刻本也沿袭了这种状况。这种情况在明末清初得到了改变,据载,先是明末人钱功甫从阮华山那里得到宋刻本《文心雕龙》, 并据此刻本抄补上了《隐秀》篇阙文。后来康熙时人何焯路过隐湖,从汲古阁书架上见到冯舒所传的钱功
On “Wen Xin Diao Long implicit show” articles supplementary article has a long history. At the latest in the Yuan Dynasty, the “Wen Xin Diao Long · Implicit Show” has become a disability chapter, the earliest extant “Wen Xin Diao Long” engraved edition is Yuan Zheng Zheng fifteen years (1355), this article since And the last miracle “to” New Moon “autumn” grass “of the word is a total of four hundred words Que, this half a dozen lines per line, each line twenty words, the missing four hundred words, is a plate. The Ming Dynasty engraved this also followed this situation. This situation has been changed in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, according to contained, first, the late Ming and Qing dynasties money from the Kuan Nguyen Huashan get the ”Wen Xin Diao Long“, and then copy the book on the ”hidden show" Text. Later, when He Kui, Kangxi, passed by Hidden Lake, Feng Shuxun learned money from the ancient bookshelf