阳光温暖地照在我的身上,舒服极了。 今年的八月多雨,轰隆隆的雷声是这个月所能听到的最响亮的声音,阴沉灰暗的色调也是这个月份所能带给人们的最大的感受。 很久以来,不曾有过今天这样灿烂的晴空,所以久违的温暖一旦重新回到身边,便会让人感觉更温暖。就这样,在惬意地调控下,我自认为自己是最美丽的公主,嘟起嘴,高傲地站在阳光里,手指尽可能地分开着遮挡在眼前,透过手指间的缝隙,视线
The sun shone warmly on my body, very comfortable. This year’s August rainy and thundering thunder is the loudest voice that can be heard this month, and gloomy dark colors are the greatest feelings this month can bring. For a long time, never had such a bright sky today, so the long-lost warmth once back to the side, it will make people feel more warmth. In this way, under the comfortable regulation, I think I am the most beautiful princess, pouting, proudly standing in the sun, fingers as far as possible separated from the front, through the gap between the fingers, line of sight