Aero-engine fault diagnosis applying new fast support vector algorithm

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ww830625
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A new fast learning algorithm was presented to solve the large-scale support vector machine ( SVM ) training problem of aero-engine fault diagnosis.The relative boundary vectors ( RBVs ) instead of all the original training samples were used for the training of the binary SVM fault classifiers.This pruning strategy decreased the number of final training sample significantly and can keep classification accuracy almost invariable.Accordingly , the training time was shortened to 1 / 20compared with basic SVM classifier.Meanwhile , owing to the reduction of support vector number , the classification time was also reduced.When sample aliasing existed , the aliasing sample points which were not of the same class were eliminated before the relative boundary vectors were computed.Besides , the samples near the relative boundary vectors were selected for SVM training in order to prevent the loss of some key sample points resulted from aliasing.This can improve classification accuracy effectively.A simulation example to classify 5classes of combination fault of aero-engine gas path components was finished and the total fault classification accuracy reached 96.1%.Simulation results show that this fast learning algorithm is effective , reliable and easy to be implemented for engineering application. A new fast learning algorithm was presented to solve the large-scale support vector machine (SVM) training problem of aero-engine fault diagnosis. The relative boundary vectors (RBVs) instead of all the original training samples were used for the training of the binary SVM fault classifiers. This pruning strategy decreased the number of final training sample significantly and can keep the classification accuracy almost invariable. Accreditedly, the training time was shortened to 1 / 20compared with basic SVM classifier.Meanwhile, owing to the reduction of support vector number, the classification time was also reduced .When sample aliasing existed, the aliasing sample points which were not of the same class were eliminated before the relative boundary vectors were computed.Besides, the samples near the relative boundary vectors were selected for SVM training in order to prevent the loss of some key sample points resulted from aliasing. This can improve classification accuracy effectivel y.A simulation example to classify 5classes of combination fault of aero-engine gas path components was finished and the total fault classification accuracy reached 96.1%. Simulation results show that this fast learning algorithm is effective, reliable and easy to be implemented for engineering application.
剪 影  他们,分属两个阵营  一张窗纸,契约  谁也不是谁的地主  他们吃离别的饭,嘱咐冷暖  航班因此延误;匆匆的吻,湿凉  火车嘶吼,约等于一个疯了的人  泪奔……怄气,又团圆——  (黑剪影,心尖儿上的麦芽糖  ——小剂量的砒霜)  她还有游击队员的身手  ……只是,膝盖冰凉  光洁,如贝壳  火 柴  裸着的脚还没收起来  月亮便开始走极端,瘦身  不是一粒药片,就是一把弯刀——  病人
秋江月夜  倚醉寒汀恍若仙,浮云去水两悠然。  一蓑烟雨箫声起,几棹波光雁影牵。  露浸菊馨环野径,风撩树杪拂遥天。  余年得伴盟鸥趣,月入霜襟可解禅。  巫山一段云·闲题  柳外朦胧月,汀头缱绻心。如缄往事共谁吟,辗转鬓霜侵。 细腻风飘絮,伶仃雨打林。这般滋味怯追寻,一顾一沾襟。  忆甲午春与竹兄并宇威、文成二弟登  庐山险峰  匡秀名天下,凭临势欲倾。  舒张成浩瀚,偃蹇得峥嵘。  老去千年结
在夜里扑腾久了,羽毛也被浸上油墨  最终,硬把贪睡的日头  啄得遍体鳞伤,血流如注  否则,锋利的喙,怎么,总  缀上西霞,蘸满东曙  除了寒风胁迫,冰雪封锁  还有何种缘由,能让英塔木温泉  那块巴掌大的水域  接踵栖身二百多只巨禽,神圣成  百丈凌下一枚火种  甚至,不惜改变候鸟的身份  顶着冷冷的蓝,掠过瑟瑟的黄  犁开绵绵的白  四只色泽炫目的黑天鹅  一家老小,向岸划来  可我,无法分清