一座有故事的城市肯定离不开一条河的渊源。而有河就会有桥,有桥才会有故事。断桥相遇也好,鹊桥相会也好,故事又似乎总与爱情有关。于是,桥便总是带着朦胧的美丽,让人看不真切,更增添了几分向往。布拉格就有这样一座桥——查理大桥(CHARLES BRIDGE)。桥下流淌着的就是伏尔塔瓦河(V LTAVA)。桥1357年开始建,15世纪才建成,足足建了200年,有半公里长。建桥时期,正值捷克历史上的黄金时代。那时,捷克国王查理四世还兼任神圣罗马帝国的皇帝,他把帝国的都城就定在了布拉格。
A story of the city must be inseparable from the origins of a river. The river will have a bridge, a bridge will have a story. Broken Bridge meet Ye Hao, Magpie Bridge meet Ye Hao, the story seems always related to love. As a result, the bridge is always with a dim beauty, people look unrealistic, but also add a bit longing for. There is such a bridge in Prague - Charles Bridge (CHARLES BRIDGE). Flowing under the bridge is Vltava. The bridge was built in 1357 and was built in the 15th century. It was built for 200 years and has a length of half a kilometer. During the bridge building, it was the golden age of Czech history. At that time, the Czech King Charles IV also served as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, he set the imperial city in Prague.