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相当长的时期以来,人们习惯上把高血压、脑溢血、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病、甲亢、溃疡病等归纳为成人病,其实,这些病不仅可见于小儿,而且可导致儿童早衰,甚至猝死,必须引起人们的重视。 高血压 美国一位医生调查7万名儿童高血压后认为,儿童时期高血压的发病率约为2%。近年来已发现成人高血压常由儿童期高血压发展而来。因此,专家们建议,凡儿童的双亲或较近亲属中在中年时期即出现原发性高血压、中风或心肌梗塞等病者应重视遗传因素,并采取以下预防:1.定期测量血压和血脂;2.日常饮食盐量不宜过多,限制钠与高钾食物的摄入量;3.在婴幼儿时期即应避免喂哺过量的牛乳并防止总热量过多,控制体重;4.避免学习过度紧张和精神刺激过重;5.经常参加体育锻炼,增强体质。 脑溢血 小儿脑溢血的病因与成年人不同。一般认为小儿脑溢血主要由以下三个原因所致:1.新生儿在分娩过程中由于产伤或缺氧,可导致婴儿颅内血管的通透性增高或破裂,以致血液涌入脑组织内造成脑溢血;2,由于维生素K缺乏,影响凝血因子的合成,导致出血或出血不正,若发生在大脑就会造成脑溢血;3.由于先天性颅内动脉瘤或其它脑血管畸形,而造成的脑溢血。预防小儿脑溢血的关键是避免难产和早产,及时补充小儿体内维生素K,一旦发现 In a long period of time, people are accustomed to inducing hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism and ulcer disease as adult diseases. In fact, these diseases are not only found in children but also cause premature aging and even sudden death in children, Must attract people’s attention. Hypertension A physician in the United States investigates 70,000 children with hypertension and found that the incidence of hypertension in childhood is about 2%. In recent years, adult hypertension has been found to develop from childhood hypertension. Therefore, the experts suggest that all parents of children or close relatives in the middle-aged that appear essential hypertension, stroke or myocardial infarction and other patients should pay attention to genetic factors, and take the following preventive measures: 1. Regular measurement of blood pressure and Blood lipids; 2 daily dietary salt should not be too much to limit the intake of sodium and high potassium foods; 3 in infants and young children should avoid feeding excess milk and prevent excessive total calories, weight control; 4 avoid Excessive stress and mental stimulation; 5. Regular physical exercise to enhance physical fitness. Cerebral hemorrhage Infantile cerebral hemorrhage causes different from adults. Generally believed that pediatric cerebral hemorrhage mainly due to the following three reasons: 1. Neonatal during labor due to birth injury or hypoxia, can lead to increased permeability or rupture of the infant intracranial blood vessels, resulting in the influx of blood into the brain tissue Cerebral hemorrhage; 2, due to lack of vitamin K, affecting the synthesis of clotting factors, resulting in bleeding or bleeding is not correct, if it occurs in the brain will cause cerebral hemorrhage; 3 due to congenital intracranial aneurysms or other cerebral vascular malformations, caused by stroke. Prevention of pediatric stroke is the key to avoiding dystocia and premature delivery, timely replenishment of vitamin K in children, once found
摘 要  随着社会发展进程的不断向前,高中各科教师自身的教学观念也在不断发展和完善。物理一直是高中理科类学生较为主要的学习内容,也是高中教学任务当中的重点和难点。文章在结合当今社会网络信息化的教学模式的基础之上,将网络课堂的教学特点进行了全面论述。在网络环境基础下,对高中物理教师新型教学模式的应用方式进行分析和阐述,为相关教师的实践与探究提供了理论依据。  【关键词】网络环境;高中物理;教学模式 
上下级政府之间的博弈会影响到转移支付资金在各层级政府间的配置,最终影响到区域间财力均等化和城乡公共服务均等化目标的实现。文章以1994~2009年全国2 800多个县级行政单
以扎鲁司特 (安可来 )为代表的白三烯受体拮抗剂是近年来新开发的一类抗哮喘药物。在其有效性及安全性已被广泛认证的前提下[1] ,为了解扎鲁司特对中国青少年哮喘患者的有效
儿童脑动静脉畸形 (CAVM )在儿童脑血管畸形中占 5 0 %左右[1] ,多数无临床症状。CAVM病灶可不断发展 ,以至在成人阶段出现破裂出血的症状 ;此外 ,可由于脑内“盗血”影响脑组织发育