The Mount Taylor uranium deposit in New Mexico, USA, is hosted in sandstone in the West Point Gorge. Groundwater deposits the uranium dissolved in the carbonaceous rocks into sandstones that have a redox environment and deposit into mineralized beds. The main minerals are hydrated silicon uranium ore and uranium ore, rich in symbiotic carbonaceous material. There are three main ore deposits in the “C” sandstone and one main ore deposit in the “D” sandstone. The shape of each deposit is complex. Mineralization ranges from the veinlets to a few meters in thickness, tens of meters in width and several hundred meters in length. The ore body thickness is up to 10 meters. The total reserves of 121 million pounds U_3O_8, the average grade of 0.25% U_3O_8. The minimum recoverable thickness of 2 meters, the border grade of 0.10%.