一、研制经过与试验效果: 1975年我们在无产阶级文化大革命运动取得伟大胜利的基础上,在厂党委热情支持下,经过多次失败,不气馁,不信邪,不崇洋迷外,终于研制成功“高炉风口破损自动报警装置”。高炉风口经常因与铁水接触而被烧坏,或因长时间与焦炭接触而被磨漏。风口漏水,一向是靠高炉配管工人和高炉工作者凭经验观察发现的。如果发现不及时,轻则大量的水流入炉内,造成炉凉、焦比升高、灌渣以及损坏砖衬降低炉体寿命;重则风口烧穿,造成重大恶性事故。因此配管工人必须经常围着炉子转。这样研制风口破损自动报警装
I. Development and Test Result: On the basis of the great victory of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1975 and under the enthusiastic support of the party committee of the proletariat, after many unsuccessful attempts, we did not give up, did not believe in evil, nor became a fan of foreign cultures and finally succeeded in developing “Blast furnace tuyere automatic alarm device.” Blast furnace tuyere is often burned due to contact with hot metal, or due to prolonged contact with the coke was leaking. Air leakage, has always been by blast furnace piping workers and blast furnace workers found by empirical observation. If not found in time, ranging from a large amount of water into the furnace, resulting in furnace cooling, coke ratio increased, filling slag and brick lining damage to reduce the life of the furnace; heavy tuyere burn, resulting in major malignant accidents. Therefore plumbing workers must often turn around the stove. Such a tuyere damaged automatic alarm installed