灰白蚕蛾Ocinara varians是近年来华南地区为害较严重的园林害虫,为筛选有效防治灰白蚕蛾的赤眼蜂种,在室内条件下比较了短管赤眼蜂Trichogramma pretiosum、松毛虫赤眼蜂T.dendroli-mi和暗黑赤眼蜂T.euproctidis对不同卵龄灰白蚕蛾卵的寄生能力和适应能力。结果显示,随寄主卵龄的增加松毛虫赤眼蜂和暗黑赤眼蜂寄生卵数均呈下降趋势,且都在灰白蚕蛾卵龄为6 h的卵上寄生卵数最多,分别为15.90粒/雌和12.20粒/雌;而短管赤眼蜂的寄生卵数随寄主卵龄的增加呈先上升后下降趋势,在卵龄为24h时达最高,为8.25粒/雌;在各卵龄段,松毛虫赤眼蜂的寄生卵数均比其它2种蜂多;当寄主卵龄超过72 h时,3种赤眼蜂的寄生卵数均显著下降。3种赤眼蜂在寄生卵龄为6 h的寄生卵上羽化率最高,当卵龄超过72 h时,其羽化率均显著下降。松毛虫赤眼蜂和暗黑赤眼蜂对6 h卵龄的灰白蚕蛾卵致死能力最强,而短管赤眼蜂对24 h卵龄的灰白蚕蛾卵致死能力最强。综合分析表明,松毛虫赤眼蜂在灰白蚕蛾卵上的寄生能力和适应能力最好,是灰白蚕蛾的有效天敌。
In order to screen Trichogramma pretiosum, Trichogramma dendrolimus, Trichogramma dendrolimi, Tetranychus cinnabarinus, Tetranychus cinnabarinus, Tetranychus cinnabarinus, -mi and T.euproctidis on the parasitism and adaptability of eggs of different age-dependent gray silkworm moths. The results showed that the parasitoid eggs of Trichogramma dendrolimi and Trichogramma were decreased with the increase of the egg age of the host, and the number of parasitoid eggs on the eggs of 6 days old was the highest (15.90 grains / While the number of parasitoid eggs of T. trichogramma increased first and then decreased with the increase of the egg age of the host, reaching the highest at 24 hours and 8.25 seeds / Trichogramma dendrolimi parasitized eggs more than the other two kinds of bee; when the host’s egg age over 72 h, the three Trichogramma parasitized eggs were significantly decreased. Three Trichogramma species had the highest emergence rate on the parasitized eggs with the parasitic egg age of 6 h. When the egg age exceeded 72 h, the emergence rate of the three Trichogramma species decreased significantly. Dendrolimus trichogramma and Diabrotica trilobata were the most lethal to eggs of 6-day-old gray moths, whereas Trichogramma trichogramma was the most lethal to eggs of 24-month-old gray moths. Comprehensive analysis showed that Trichogramma dendrolimi parasitism and adaptability on the gray silkworm moth eggs the best, is an effective natural enemies of gray moth.