Carbon Ramming Materials for Blast Furnace Construction

来源 :China's Refractories | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshuae5b
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YB/T4319-2012 1 Scope This standard specifies the definition,classification,technical requirements,test methods,quality appraisal procedure,packing,marking,transportation,stroage and quality certificate of carbon ramming materials for blast furnace construction.This standard is applicable to carbon ramming materials for construction in leveling layer of blast furnace bottom,ramming layer upper or lower the central line of water cooling pipes,joints between carbon bricks,or joints between carbon bricks and cooling equipment. YB / T 4319-2012 1 Scope This class specifies the definition, classification, technical requirements, test methods, quality appraisal procedure, packing, marking, transportation, stroage and quality certificate of carbon ramming materials for blast furnace construction. This standard is applicable to carbon ramming materials for construction in leveling layer of blast furnace bottom, ramming layer upper or lower the central line of water cooling pipes, joints between carbon bricks, or joints between carbon bricks and cooling equipment.
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